Black animal musk civet Viverra

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HALAL. This oil is an extract from the gonads of the palm civet. In the modern world, these animals are bred and excretions are removed in a painless way, without interfering with the life and reproduction of this species in any way, when extracting iron secretions, it is not injured and the animal does not suffer. An intoxicating animal scent of love, beauty and happiness. This unforgettable and indescribable feeling will give you this rarest oil, so persistent and desirable! Civet is bred in artificial conditions on farms in Somalia and belongs to the civet species. In appearance, it resembles a marten or a cat. The animal has a long tail, it is long and tenacious, as it lives in trees. Also, many people know her under the name Luwak. From this national name also came the name of the most expensive coffee Kopi Luwak. Civet helps to produce this type of coffee - coffee beans are processed by the gastric juice of civet. The animal eats grains, then they pass through the gastric tract, while they are treated with civet, as a result of which the grains acquire an unusual aroma and taste. Such coffee has the aroma of nuts, honey, nougat and an animal component. Similar coffee is produced in Vietnam, only with the help of special types of ferrets. Since ancient times, the extract of the gland of the civet belonged to the strongest substances belonging to the category of pheromones, which have an extremely tonic effect on people, developing imagination and passion. Helps love longevity for both women and men. It has an enticing effect. The fragrance is luxurious, it is so mystical that you need to feel how it opens and how it plays. The oil can be used in its pure form at night while preparing for a date, or mixed with other types of oriental oils and used during the day. These perfumes are very individual and are revealed on each person in different ways, you will be unique. The chic fragrance will draw attention to you in any setting. You can hear rich and affectionate animal notes, sweetness of honey and plum pulp in the aroma. The smokiness of Arabian spices and the wet touch of leather. Enjoy your own irresistibility! Some information about animal musks: Let's start with the fact that the animal ambergris of the sperm whale, as well as animal musks (musk deer, civets, beaver stream, etc.) are not just aromas, but unique multi-functional components. This, of course, is primarily the aromatic component of the formula of natural perfumes, but not only! Natural musks are the strongest fragrance fixers, which means they allow the less persistent components of the composition to stay on the skin longer. With them, any perfume will be very persistent, they can even be applied to the skin before applying your favorite perfume and the fragrance will last all day. The aroma of animal Musks, animal Ambergris is very specific. This is a very rich, extractive substrate, which in small - very small! - in doses, mixing with the hormonal background of a person, it changes the natural aroma of the body in such a way that it subconsciously causes attraction in the opposite sex, a desire to communicate, the object begins to "like, and that's it." That is, they are a real aphrodisiac. But for finely organized people, communication with a "scented" person causes an emotional outburst, which can be both positively oriented and negatively. Therefore, these substances and perfumes with their high percentage are very rarely used in their pure form during the day, for example, or even more so at a business meeting or office. Their time is evening, night and communication with a nice person, a romantic date. Here they are very appropriate, since a nice person is a priori emotionally focused specifically on you, and his emotions will be positive for you. In addition, the effect of aphrodisiacs on your body is very, very useful: they restore hormonal levels, increase reproductive function, cleanse the love component of a person (aura, chakras) from foreign influences, protect against the evil eye, and improve immunity. That is why the smell as such does not play a decisive role here (but of course you should like it and not cause negative emotions), it is necessary to use animal musks correctly and in the appropriate place, to summarize: * use in the evening, at night, on a romantic date, at a disco or in restaurant * mixed with other aromas or in pure form * very small doses (one drop is enough) * use only in communication with a person you like * the aroma that you use must be liked by you in its pure form And then animals aphrodisiacs will only bring you benefit and joy! Ingredients: extraction of the contents of the gland of the musk civet on castor oil. Volume: 3 ml Country: Somalia. Manufacturer: Aster Light Industries, UAE, Dubai / Kharnoub Establishment, Damascus, Syria.
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